Established in the year 1721, the Russian Empire was the third largest empire in human history, spanning twenty to point eight million kilometres and ruled by the House of Romanovs for over three hundred years. Russia during this time functioned as an absolute monarchy, predicated on the principles of Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality under Nicholas I.
Among one of the great events in the history of the Russian Empire was the Revolution of 1917, most notable for its execution of the Romanovs. There are several accounts of what happened on the day of their execution, and few historians agree on the exact scope of events. What is known is that the Romanovs were led to their death in the basement of Ipatiev House, a consequence of a ten-men firing squad who executed Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra and their children.
The events of the Revolution changed the future of Russia entirely, ending the Russian system of monarchy and leading to the creation of the Soviet Union in 1922. Indeed, the Russian Revolution was simply the beginning of a new struggle for global power, one that took place over fifty years.
“The world thinks the Russian Revolution is at an end,” said Alexander Kerensky, the lawyer and politician. “Do not be mistaken. The Russian Revolution is just beginning.”
All images and colourisations are courtesy of Klimbim.