[카테고리:] Science

Dishonesty Gets Easier the More You Do It

Jessica Taylor; New Politic Cast your mind back over the past week. How many times were you tempted to act dishonestly? Perhaps you were given too much change at the pub and deliberated whether to tell the barman. Maybe you…

Were Missing the Chance to Stop the Sixth Mass Extinction

New Politic The immense challenge of climate change has caused myopia among a lot of politicians, sending them into a self-destructive state of denial. More quietly, though, that immensity has triggered another kind of myopia, this one among conservationists. In…

Are Too Many Scientists Studying COVID?

For many researchers, the choice to spend decades working in a lab or in the field comes from a desire to help — to expand understanding of how life works or to improve human health. So when Covid-19 emerged, many…